CES’ staff is comprised of former FBI, DEA, HHS OIG, USPIS, NCIS agents, former state and local police investigators, intelligence and investigative analysts, insurance industry investigators, computer and network forensic experts, and clinical personnel including medical review nurses, nurse investigators, pharmacists, and attorneys.

Roger Morrison
Roger Morrison has extensive experience developing and leading the deployment of new investigative and analytic solutions. His experience helped spawn the development of PRISM. Mr. Morrison has over 35 years of investigative and leadership experience conducting and supervising major criminal, terrorism, and counterintelligence investigations, special events, national task forces, and operations. He is a former member of the Senior Executive Service assigned to the FBI’s elite Counterterrorism Division. Mr. Morrison led the FBI’s National Threat Center which collected and identified terrorism threat information on a 24/7 basis by monitoring reports from numerous law enforcement organizations.

Blake Haase
Blake Haase led the design and development of PRISM, CES' social media research and analysis tool. He is a graduate of St. Thomas University School of Law and is a member of the Florida Bar. Mr. Haase is general counsel for CES, manages CES' Fusion Center, writes CES' Annual Report on the Cost of Fraud in the United States, and ensures that CES' analysts are up to date on current best practices. He is experienced in efficiently piecing together disparate open source data in objective driven projects.

Justine Cronk
Justine​ Cronk is a Business Analyst at CES specializing in business development, proposal management, and data analytics. Mrs. Cronk has expertise in open source intelligence, including social media, and online research and analytics. She assisted with the development of PRISM and helped create and conduct open source research training. As a PRISM analyst, Mrs. Cronk is knowledgeable in the open source workflow process which includes capturing and storing digital media, geo-location applications, locating and detecting threats, and creating reports based on the findings. Mrs. Cronk holds a B.A. from Flagler College, with majors in Business Administration and Sociology.

Rebecca Addison
Rebecca Addison is an attorney at CES, LLC. Mrs. Addison focuses on social media analytics and eDiscovery. She is experienced in the identification, collection and analysis of social media artifacts utilized in the eDiscovery world. Mrs. Addison has a B.A. in Political Science and Sociology from Flagler College and a J.D. from Florida Coastal School of Law. Mrs. Addison is a member of the Florida Bar, St. Johns County Bar Association, and the American Bar Association.

Athalia Howell
Athalia Howell is an Investigative Analyst with CES. Ms. Howell has extensive experience in utilizing social media data sources to enhance the investigations she conducts on several federal contracts. Ms. Howell is an expert in fusing multiple data points from disparate sources of information into a viable investigative product utilizing knowledge visualization tools such as i2 link analysis. Ms. Howell's fusion analysis skills have been complimented by FBI and HHS OIG Agents who she has assisted with their investigations. Ms. Howell is a graduate of Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida.

Melody Ross
Melody Ross is a Research Analyst at CES. With a background in social media administration and marketing, Ms. Ross brings experience to the team in using social media for business intelligence, network building, trend monitoring, and general open source research. Ms. Ross assisted with the development and testing of PRISM and open source research best practices and has expertise working with open source research tools. Currently, she shares CES' expertise on the CES PRISM Blog. Ms. Ross has a B.S. in Sociology from the University of Oregon and is finishing her B.A. in Accounting from Flagler College.​